2021 The Architecture MasterPrize / Best of Best
2021 第九屆特力家居盃全國室內暨傢具設計大賽 / 最佳模型獎
The constitution of the world health organization defined health as “As a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being”. After people are moving away from nature gradually, city dwellers are also at a higher risk for anxiety, depression, and other mental illness than people living outside urban centers. In recent years, there comes to an idea of returning to nature. Getting out into the natural environment could improve moods for city dwellers. Therefore, through the existence of green therapy space in the resident, being the space a breathing space in the town. Residents can heal their bodies and minds in a stressful life through the experience of planting plants or other activities and also adjust their psychology.
世界衛生組織的宣言當中提到,健康是身體、心靈與的完美狀態,健康不只考慮身體上傷病,更與心理狀態關係密切。現代人在逐漸遠離自然後,因為忙碌的生活,身體心理的疾病也愈來愈多。近年來,回歸自然的想法和概念萌生。走向自然,人們可以找到最根本的精神與心理寄託。然而,在城鎮中如何存在這一個地方? 因此藉由綠療空間存在於住宅中,透過五感體驗,增加與自然互動機會。居民經過植物栽種體驗,達到身體、心理在充滿壓力的生活中治癒,能夠在壓力下適度地去調節自己的狀態,使空間成為一個城鎮中的喘息空間。