2022 International Design Award / Gold
2021 iF Design Talent Award 2021_01 / Best of The Year
2021 The Architecture MasterPrize / Honorable Mention
2021 Young Ones ADC Award / Bronze
2021第七屆兩岸新銳設計競賽-華燦獎 / 二等獎
2021 A+文資創意季-空間設計組 / 入圍
The temperature of the forest fire is so high that it cannot be extinguished easily, so this fire prevention facility is designed in the forest. The project uses weaving technology to strengthen the structure and combines the integration of fire protection materials to become a high fire protection tower. The outer layer will be the main structure to resist the fire. , The rainwater collected in the rainy season is used as energy and to block heat radiation. When a fire occurs, it can give animals a chance to hide inside, and also increase the rescue time for humans, so as not to cause a devastating blow to the animal ecology.