2022 International Design Awards / Gold
2021 Red Dot Concept Design Award / Best of The Best
2021 The Architecture MasterPrize / Honorable Mention
2021 International Design Excellence Awards / Shortlist
2021 第七屆兩岸新銳設計競賽-華燦獎 / 一等獎
2021 金點概念設計獎 / 入圍複審
2021 A+文資創意季-空間設計組 / 入圍
2021 特力家居杯設計大賽-室內設計組 / 銀獎
I try to express the state of “blurred boundaries” between people’s life, work, and family in these changing times, and in order to highlight the relationship between users. Designed many white spaces with no restrictions, The double-layered facade has a vague sense of absence, blurring the flow of users moving between interiors. Making architecture the measure between reality and illusion,the external environment and the inner self can communicate naturally here. From the beginning to the end, the changes in space affect and even redefine the work and life of users of all ages in a comprehensive manner.