Sun Good Books
Author, Book Design
The saying goes, “Creativity cannot be taught.” Design lacks standardized execution methods, making it inherently captivating due to its boundless allure. However, the author believes that while “creativity” is indeed elusive to capture and transmit, “thinking” is rooted in logic. It can generate a continuous flow of creativity through the assistance of thinking tools.
“Design Award Insights (New Edition)” spans across various fields such as graphics, industrial design, animation, and architecture. Chen Yan-ting, aka King of Awards, comprehensively analyzes the complete strategies behind winning over 100 international design awards in the past two years. The book features insights from 26 emerging award-winning individuals, showcasing 62 international-level design works and more than 160 international design awards. Within the book, the author shares their competition experiences from the past two years, providing a thorough analysis of the annual schedule, registration tips, competition details, submission guidelines, design resources, and other up-to-date information for each design international competition. This book offers valuable applications and references for design students.
常言是「創意不可教」,設計沒有標準的執行手法,也因此它充滿不可限的魅力,但作者認為「創意」確實是難以捕捉傳授的,但「思考」卻有邏輯性,它可以透過思考工具(考具)的輔助,產生源源不絕的創意。 設計獎道理(新版) 橫跨平面、工設、動畫、建築等領域,得獎王陳彥廷詳細剖析兩年內獲得 100 多項國際設計大獎完全攻略,26 位新銳獲獎達人,62 件國際級設計作品,160 多件國際設計獎項。書中分享作者近兩年的參賽經驗,深入解析每項設計國際競賽全年度時程表、報名訣竅、競賽資訊、郵遞須知、設計資源等最新資訊,提供設計學子應用與參考。