This project uses African bamboo weaving techniques and traditional materials and weaving techniques, building out the installation that can collect dew in the air. “YEMOJA” is an ingenious device that is designed to catch and condense fog into water droplets which, in turn, run down a mesh into a water storage container. And it’s ideally suited for poor, rural, mountainous, coastal regions with little freshwater resources or infrastructure.
“YEMOJA” with a potential output of 1 liter of fresh water per hour for every 10 square feet of mesh. Even if the actual output was only 10% of this amount, a single net would deliver 5 liters per hour. A person needs 20 to 50 liters of water per day to ensure their basic needs for drinking, cooking and cleaning. Given that “YEMOJA” clearly can make a significant contribution to water security in many areas of the world at a very low cost.
此專案使用在地的竹編技術和傳統材料跟編織工法,搭建出的可以進行空氣收集水的裝置,“YEMOJA”是一種巧妙的裝置,旨在捕捉霧氣並將其凝結成水滴,水滴又會順著網狀結構流入儲水容器。它非常適合淡水資源或基礎設施很少的貧困、農村、山區、沿海地區。 “YEMOJA”每10平方英尺的網格每小時可產出1升淡水。即使實際產量僅為這個數量的10%,單張網每小時也能輸送5升。一個人每天需要 20 到 50 升水來滿足他們對飲水、烹飪和清潔的基本需求。鑑於“YEMOJA”顯然可以以非常低的成本為世界許多地區的水安全做出重大貢獻。