2023 Young One ADC Award / Shortlist
2022 eVolo Skyscraper Competition / Honorable Mentions
2022 The Architecture MasterPrize / Honorable Mentions
Insects, accounting for 80% of animal life on Earth, are the most diverse and largest group on Earth. However, both their diversities and numbers are declining around the globe due to habitat loss, pollution, and climate change. Without effective conservation measures, not only food shortage becomes serious because lots of pollinators disappear, but the whole ecological balance on the planet will break. The main goals of the project are to conserve insects’ diversity and restore their population. With artificial frameworks and the help of bees, the high-rise structure will be built as an insect habitat.
這個設計主要是呼應近年來蜜蜂多樣性及個體數量嚴重下降的議題,目前學界認為的原因是棲地的破壞及人類社會的干擾所致,因此我試著設計一個處於熱帶雨林中的高塔,高塔的基本結構是鋼構,並主參考了斯洛伐克藝術家 “Tomáš Libertíny”的作品概念,讓構造間交織由3D列印出的纖維結構,使蜜蜂們可以在上面建蜂窩,而隨著蜜蜂們穩定地在高塔上建築家園,舊的蜂窩隨時間逐漸被微生物分解化為養分,使高塔上出現生態消長(Ecological succession)的過程,其他物種也漸漸在高塔中找到自己族群的棲身之所,使被人類社會影響的物種們得到新的棲地,獲得一線生機。