Horizon Design, The Desk
Paper-cutting Art, Interior Design
This project collaborates with the leading commercial space design company, HORIZON DESIGN, and invites renowned paper-cutting artist Chen Yan-ting to create together. It presents four paper-cutting artworks that symbolize the spirit of Hong Kong, seamlessly integrating interior spaces with the art of paper-cutting. These artworks are as follows: 1. Metropolitan Gem: The world’s financial center, renowned for its globally recognized towering nighttime cityscape. 2. Wellness Tradition: Showcasing precious traditional Chinese herbal seafood and encapsulating a rich culinary culture. 3. Royal Elegance: Evoking the essence of afternoon tea, the captivating Victoria Harbour, and the charm of Disneyland, blending fashion and picturesque landscapes. 4. Eastern Heroes: Incorporating elements from martial arts, local comics, and crime films, crafting an Eastern martial arts legend. Located on the 2nd floor of the 5-star Kerry Hotel in Hong Kong’s Whampoa MTR Station, “The Desk” embodies a comprehensive fusion of a 5-star hotel and shared workspace.
本專案與國內首席商業空間設計公司 ─ 漢象設計工程股份有限公司攜手合作,邀請著名剪紙藝術家陳彥廷共同創作,呈現四幅象徵香港精神的剪紙作品,將室內空間與剪紙藝術完美結合呈現:1. 都會瑰寶:世界金融中心,享有全球知名的高樓夜景;2. 養生之道:匯聚珍貴的中藥海鮮,凝聚豐富美食文化;3. 皇家雅致:品味午茶、凝視維港、感受迪士尼,將時尚情調與美景融合;4. 東方英雄:融入武俠、港漫、警匪片元素,締造東方武術傳奇。本基地座落於香港黃埔地鐵五星級嘉里酒店2樓的”The Desk”,此處是將五星級飯店與共享工作空間完美融合的綜合體。