Product Design, Package Design, UI&UX
Yantouch EyE Audio speakers may deliver physical separated stereo channels, high quality sound from a compact size, and user-friendly control without function buttons, yet aesthetically pleasing. Simplicity is one major point we want to achieve on this product. With the concept of ultra simple design, users may easily access to EyE Audio speakers without any complex settings or operation procedures. True wireless stereo is another very important feature on Yantouch EyE Audio speakers. When power on any two of EyE Audio speakers, they will be paired up automatically within 30 seconds. Users may put both units at proper locations as left/right channels based on users’ preferences. For the speaker itself, EyE Audio generates very high quality sound, including crystal clear med and high pitch plus very strong yet natural bass, to make users feel more enjoyable and comfortable when listening to EyE Audio speakers.
Yantouch EyE是世界級雙聲道環繞立體喇叭,強勁且不失真的好聲音,七項特點獨步市場:1.內建頂級音效:採用瑞士阿爾卑斯號角共震管原理。2.智慧燈光:成千上萬種顏色隨個人心境變化,光線柔美透亮可做為閱讀燈使用。3.黃金比例:扁原型設計小巧方便使用攜帶,為戶外運動的首選。4.自然睡眠:模擬日落,讓你在漸暗的燈光和音樂聲中更容易入眠。5.自然起床:日出般的燈光在30分鐘內緩緩將你從沉睡帶到淺眠,再以自然的金絲雀鳥鳴將你喚醒。6.新一代藍芽:開啟機身後方腳架,左右聲道即自動配對;接著透過藍芽連結到手機,如同張開雙眼般簡單。7.沈浸式遙控:特殊雙重控制系統—APP操控和IR遙控器,此外EyE內建情境APP:免費下載HueDJ APP,方便消費者製作及錄製喜愛的音樂和彩光脈動。