Artspace K


Paper-cutting Art


2022 New York Art Directors Club Annual Awards / Merit

2022New York Type Directors Club Awards / Best Typography


In the “Preface to Shuowen Jiezi (Explaining Glyph and Analyzing Compound Characters) written by Xu Shen of the East Han Dynasty, Chinese characters were made from the observations of people in ancient times. Observing the phenomena of mountains, rivers, the sun and moon, and the vivid movements of fowls and animals, they were enlightened with the meanings of communication and transmission.


Store 藏

The paper cutting craft zang (store) uses ripples are the foundations of it strokes. The flowing water symbolizes wealth in Chinese culture. In addition, there are the characters “jing,” “wan,” and “zhao,” the words for large numbers, symbolizing the accumulation of wealth.


Money 錢

The upper layer of the paper cutting craft qian is an ancient farm tool “qian.” The lower layer of it is a circuit board, symbolizing the shift of barter means from farm tools to digital currency. With the renewal of currency, it symbolizes sustaining wealth.


Treasure 寶

The paper cutting craft bao (treasure) uses the homophonic words of wishes for luckiness. In the middle of the character bao the word zuan (diamond) is added to amplify the splendor, meaning “gems” and “making a lot of money.” 《說文解字》:「珍也。从宀从王从貝,缶聲。」宀為深屋,王、貝皆為貴重之物,在屋中置有珍品,就是寶的意思。《寶》剪紙以傳統剪紙取吉祥諧音的手法,在寶中加入「鑽」字,以寶石裝飾筆劃添增璀璨美感,為「寶鑽」、「飽賺」之意。

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