Award Consultant
2017 International Design Award / Winner
TEDA government recently investigated an alternative approach, “Gov. 3.0 Service Design” to reorient the process to be more people-centered. The TEDA Administrative Approval Service Center integrates government officials, citizens, policy experts and service designers collaborate through the group to design an convenient document approval service platform.
It integrates information & consultancy, approval & public services, administration & coordination, and complaints & supervision. It is responsible for around 230 approval items such as the joint review for the establishment of companies and investment projects in TEDA. TEDA Gov. 3.0 service design transitions top-down process of document approval into bottom-up happy journey of every day citizens.
天津經濟技術開發區行政審批中心於2016年8月正式投入運行,中心選址天津經濟技術開發區第二大街與新城西路交口MSD-A1座2層,總建築面積約3300㎡。中心是一個集信息與咨詢、審批與服務、管理與協調、投訴與監督於一體的綜合性行政服務單位,承載著開發區包括企業設立聯審、投資項目聯審在內的約230個審批事項。中心秉持著“便民、舒適、美觀”的原則,旨在提升申辦人辦事體驗,搭建了符合申辦人辦件習慣的“一站式”行政服務大廳,號稱Gov. 3.0。從保證申辦動線最短和服務流程最合理為出發點,設置了咨詢引導區、自助辦理區、幫辦服務區、窗口受理區、配套服務區、休閒等候區、制證中心和文印中心等功能區域。中心構建了具有開發區特色的“淘寶式”信息化服務平台,使申辦人“會淘寶即能網上申報、會微信即能互動幫辦”,提供遠程申報、在線幫辦、閉環管理、物流式查詢、評價反饋、快遞送件等功能,為申辦人提供高效便捷的網上審批服務。