Paper-cutting Art

This Christmas season, LV has collaborated with renowned paper-cutting artist Chen Yan-ting to create a special VIP gift centered around the beloved mascot, Vivienne. The three-dimensional paper-cut artwork intricately incorporates LV’s classic four-petal and circular flower motifs. The four leaves symbolize health, love, wealth, and happiness, while the hot air balloon imagery represents the soaring energy and prosperity of the upcoming year.

Vivienne is adorned in a versatile array of LV Monogram patterns, complemented by chains, charms, and a whimsical multicolored hot air balloon. She wears a floral wreath on her head and sports an LV custom luggage tag on her arm. Her right eye is covered by the iconic cross Monogram symbol. This charmingly unique doll brings an element of surprise and delight to this year’s Christmas festivities.

在今年的聖誕節,LV與知名剪紙藝術家陳彥廷攜手合作,共同創作了以品牌吉祥物Vivienne為主題的VIP贈品,這件立體剪紙作品中融入了LV的經典四葉尖花和圓花圖案,四片葉子象徵著健康、愛情、財富和幸福,而熱氣球的圖案象徵著新的一年中蒸蒸日上、牛氣沖天。Vivienne身穿豐富多變的LV Monogram圖案,配上飾鏈、吊飾和夢幻彩色的熱氣球。她頭上戴著花環,手臂上懸掛著LV特製行李吊牌,右眼則被經典的十字Monogram符號所覆蓋。這隻奇特卻可愛的玩偶,將為今年的聖誕節增添驚喜與喜悅。

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