Artspace K


Paper-cutting Art


2021 New York Type Directors Club Awards / Best Typography

2021 Taiwan International Graphic Design Award / Gold

2020 Hong Kong International Poster Triennial / Selection

2020 Golden Bee 14 – Moscow International Biennale of Graphic Design / Long Lists

2020 Communication Arts Annual Competition Typography / Award of Excellence

2020 The 4th Shenzhen International Poster Festival / Shortlisted


In the “Preface to Shuowen Jiezi (Explaining Glyph and Analyzing Compound Characters) written by Xu Shen of the East Han Dynasty, Chinese characters were made from the observations of people in ancient times. Observing the phenomena of mountains, rivers, the sun and moon, and the vivid movements of fowls and animals, they were enlightened with the meanings of communication and transmission.


Thunder 雷

The ancient form of the character lei (thunder) consists of 160 strokes, being the Chinese character with the most strokes. The roaring lightning and thick clouds are the foundations to the form of this paper cutting craft. The radicals yu (rain) and tian (field) are used to symbolize the wheels of the heavenly gods’ chariot to present to magnificence of thunder and lightning with the piling paper cutting craft.


Fire Biáng

The paper cutting craft biáng is crafted with the form of the spicy “biáng biáng noodles”. Each stroke represents fire as well as thick noodles that slap on the board to make sound waves. They come together to make red hot spicy vivid scenes of people’s favorite.

《康熙字典》收錄「biáng」字56劃,是陝西著名小吃「biáng biáng麵」專用字,不僅少見,且一般電腦打字無法輸入。「biáng」字讀音由來說法眾多,一說是擀麵拉扯過程中,麵拍在案板上發出的響聲;另一說是拋麵下鍋時,麵落入滾水中發出的聲響。由此可知,「biáng」麵確實從製作過程就聲音很多、非常熱鬧,它屬於扯麵,講究揉、抻、甩、扯等步驟,口感勁道,麵寬而厚如「褲腰帶」,調味時拌入辛香的油潑辣子,稱關中十怪之首。《biáng》剪紙以「biáng biáng麵」香辣口感為造型基礎,每一筆劃都像火焰,又像厚實麵條拍打案板的激盪出的聲波,層疊剪紙積累出獨特的火辣熱鬧。

Garden 園

The character yuan (garden) is surrounding nine trees, symbolizing the place where plants, flowers, fruits, and vegetables are grown. It is a beautiful and concrete character. The paper cutting craft yuan (garden) represents the beauty of a garden covered with vivid growing and dense plants with interlocking vine.


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